Increase sales with personalised and automated customer experience via


  • 70% of online carts are abandoned

  • 90% of customers rate an immediate response as essential when they contact customer service

  • 60% of consumers say they’ll become repeat customers after a personalised shopping experience

How Voicebot helps

  • Calls customer with personalized offer based on their choices

  • Voice calls have the highest engagement rates

  • After the call Voicebot sends SMS with details and updates CRM

14-days free trial

Integration with any CRM

Support during & after implementation

AI-Voicebot dla efektywnej kosztowo sprzedaży i obsługi klienta

  • Kontaktuj się z klientami w momencie, gdy zostawią zapytanie

  • Szybko przeprowadzaj masowe kampanie informacyjne dla ponad 10000 kontaktów bez konieczności zatrudniania dodatkowych pracowników

  • Oszczędzaj czas i zasoby, automatyzując wstępną kwalifikację zapytań

  • Personalizuj komunikację z klientami i leadami bez dodatkowych kosztów

  • Optymalizuj skrypty sprzedaży i obsługi klienta dzięki szybkim i łatwym testom A/B

Convert abandoned cart into sales

Voicebot calls back with a better offer (voice calls have the highest engagement rates compared to email and SMS).

Increase loyalty with better customer service:

Zero waiting time when calling customer support and timely satisfaction surveys will ensure customers are happy with the experience.

Boost sales with smart personalization

Voicebot delivers personalised offers/discounts: e.g. on a customer’s B-day Voicebot calls him to offer a personalised discount.

Save time and money with routine automation:

Automated answers to FAQ and order statuses/details confirmation, as well as CRM management automation will save you time and money
63% marketerów dostrzega największe korzyści z personalizacji w zwiększeniu współczynnika konwersji. Zwiększ swoją sprzedaż dzięki personalizacji za pomocą AI-Voicebota!
Test abandoned
cart Voicebot
Test our Voicebot: you can go to Apifonica shop, choose some goods and place them in your cart and after that abandon the cart. Once you do that, Voicebot will contact you regarding the goods chosen.

Why choose Apifonica Voicebot?

Understands natural language

Via machine learning our Voicebot understands any customer: e.g., a person calls bank customer support about a blocked credit card. There are different ways to say this: my card is not working; it is blocked; I couldn’t make a payment; etc. Voicebot understands all these variants.

Can be integrated with any CRM/ecosystem

We already have integration with Teamtailor CRM and can integrate with any other CRM via Zapier. In addition, our solution is integrated with over 2k services like Google ecosystem, Microsoft, Facebook, Calendly, etc.

Quick and not expensive solution

Voicebot can be implemented in a few days - you’ll get editable scripts, speech synthesis and recognition, webhooks, SMS triggered by action/answer, local phone number and reporting. Pricing starts from 2800 PLN for 1000 contacts and integration. See pricing.
Business Standard podaje, że Twoi pracownicy spędzają ponad 3 godziny dziennie na czynnościach, które można łatwo zautomatyzować. Zoptymalizuj przepływ pracy dzięki Voicebotowi.

How Voicebot can scale
your ecom business?

calls per second 24/7/365
voicebot understands natural language which boost engagement
4,2 ZŁ
av. price 1 lead qualified by Voicebot
languages to talk to your leads like a local
Sceptycznie podchodzisz do tej technologii? Weź pod uwagę, że 48% klientów już czuje się komfortowo w interakcjach obsługiwanych przez boty.