Connect Apifonica microservices
with all your favorite business
apps using Zapier

How does the Apifonica + Zapier
integration work?
3,000+ API integrations
Native Integrations
Excellent customer experience starts with the first contact
The ideal moment to contact a potential customer is when they enter their phone number into the form. At that moment, they are available and thinking about your services. 5 minutes later, the odds to connect with the lead drop by 80% (source: Lead Connect). With Voicebot + Zapier integration, you can instantly respond to leads, increasing customer satisfaction and sales conversion rates.
After you set-up
Use Apifonica + Zapier integration for:
  • Instant lead response & prequalification
  • Customer feedback collections
  • Outbound calling campaigns & promo

Robotic call center designed for your needs

Automated system with a set of pre-defined robocall scenarios and message scripts will react on the activity in your CRM and send results back after the action was done. Sounds good but too heavy and expensive? Belive us, it's not.

Send robot minute after the lead approached CRM

Design your own communication scenario

Approach 92% of leads in immediate action

Keep all information in Preferred CRM

From routine workflows
to automated processes

Using Apifonica with Zapier

Zapier is an automation platform that connects your apps and services together. You can create automated workflows named Zaps. Each Zap consists of a trigger and actions. Once a trigger event occurs, Zap runs action steps, thus automating all those time-consuming tasks.

Connect the Voicebot with your CRM or Google spreadsheet to automate routine phone calls: lead pre-qualification, NPS surveys, appointment reminders, and more.

To use this feature, you will need both an Apifonica account and a Zapier account.

Voicebot makes it
easier for




HR & Recruitment

Research & Development

Main advantages

Clarify key points

  • Open Questions

    Open questions give much greater cope for building rapport and engagement and for gathering essential information for the sales process whether for now or the future.

  • Analyze Answers

    Automated Source of Data will allow you to spend more time analyzing answers and adjusting strategy

  • Obtain Information

    Without good information on genuine customer needs, how can you offer relevant solutions for their requirements?

We've learnt how to complement your structure
with a set of pre-defined microservices

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