Customer Service Automation: What It Is And How You Can Use It

Automation is everywhere today - from ordering a pizza, booking a hotel room, from checking in luggage at the airport to booking a cab to go to work. Automation has pervaded every single industry and ...

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5 Hottest Artificial Intelligence Trends You Need To Know

Artificial Intelligence is the next big thing!Whether you agree or not, technology trends indicate a paradigm shift towards AI. We understand that if you don’t hold a favorable opinion about AI (some ...

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Success stories
SC Cambuur

Dutch SC Cambuur uses Apifonica to promote the start of the new season across their fanbase and support season ticket sales.Henk de Jong called. Even though it was a recorded message, I got goosebumps...

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Success stories
FC Dordrecht

Netherlands’ Football Club Dordrecht utilizes Apifonica’s Fan Engagement solution to promote the start of the new football season across their supporter base. Founded in 1883, FC Dordrecht currently p...

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11 Essential Reasons Why Good Customer Service Is Important

Customer service – everybody knows what it is, but very few acknowledge its importance in making their business grow.And we completely understand!Not every business has the funds to allocate to their ...

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Success stories
Odense Boldclub

Numerous professional sports clubs and associations across Europe use Apifonica’s Fan engagement solution to impress their supporters. What makes it tick? Check what Denmark’s Odense Boldclub has to s...

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SMS Marketing Guide for Business

The average person checks their phone once every twelve minutes.I feel like twelve minutes is a conservative figure, I’m sure Millenials and gen-Zites check their phones more per minute than they brea...

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Guide to Grassroots Marketing with Best Examples

What is Grassroots Marketing?Do you remember the Occupy Wall Street Movement? The 2011 movement that involved millions of people, all joining together in a protest against the shady and unethical prac...

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Success stories
Dzinga Call Center Hiring Project 2018

How did desperate Dzinga ask Apifonica for help?Six months ago, we came up against a situation where we needed to hire 10 employees for a call centre in Krakow in a very short time. The companies that...

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